Lighting Maintenance

Maintenance Plan:

Just like changing oil in a car, a lighting system requires maintenance for it to continually perform in the way it was intended. Our maintenance plans consist of the following services:

  1. Trimming plants and branches- One of the most important steps in maintaining landscape lighting is to cut back any vegetation that is on the fixture, too close to the fixture or blocking the light. Clearing away these obstructions will help avoid damage to your fixtures, allow the fixtures to properly illuminate and make it easier to perform other cleaning maintenance tasks. If you have plant life that you wish to have mature over time, keep in mind an adjustment of the fixtures may be needed in the future.
  2. Removal of debris from fixtures- This may include mud, dirt, fallen leaves or debris left from insects. This simple step can improve illumination and lengthen the life of your fixtures.
  3. Looking for exposed or damaged wire- Even if your landscape lights were professionally installed, it is possible for cables to become exposed, which can lead to the damage of your electrical wires. This can happen if you have pets or children who like to play in the yard, harsh weather over time or high traffic areas.
  4. Checking fixtures for damage- During a routine yearly check, fixtures are inspected for broken lenses, dented metal, corrosion or other damage. The replacement of some parts of your fixtures may be needed over time.
  5. Replace lamps- Just like bulbs in your interior lighting fixtures, LED lamps do burn out over time and need to be replaced.
  6. Clean metal or plastic components- Before cleaning the glass on landscape lighting fixtures, metal and plastic components can be cleaned to achieve a longer lasting life.
  7. Clean glass lenses- Irrigation overspray will settle on the lenses over time causing hard water staining that will affect the illumination of the fixture. Over time the illumination will become less and less. We use hard-water removers and glass reconditioners, to keep the full illumination potential of the fixture at all times.
  8. Check and adjust fixtures- While we have properly positioned your fixtures during installation, it is possible that some fixtures will need to be moved or adjusted later. Reasons for adjustment include: changes in landscaping, ground settling, harsh weather, and accidental bumps from foot traffic or landscaping tools.
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